Stick Rpg 2 Review

Injustice 2 supports that well. PC fighters can be very hit-and-miss with controller and arcade stick support, and I'm familiar with all manner of stick compatibility troubles with certain games. Stick RPG, is probably one of the smallest PRGs that will ever make its way onto your PC (except text based ones, those are something else). If you’re thinking that the main character is a stick, you’re partially right but the correct answer is that the hero of this game is a stickman. Stick RPG 2 Stick rpg 2 is an upgraded version of Stick rpg. Both of them were developed by XGen Studio. Click Here to play Stick RPG 2 Being the upgraded version, Stick rpg has lots of improvement from its original version. The design of the game had a breakthrough. In the first version, the scene is a small part of a city.

Back in 2001, Xgen Studios came to with Stick RPG, their first try into the ever expansive but declining flash game world that was the true start for indie games on the internet. Stick RPG was a… dare I say open-world game? It was certainly sandbox, I could never deny that, but its strengths lied more in its charm than its gameplay, and that’s actually the best part of it. It certainly doesn’t conform to what makes a AAA game, but most certainly conforms to what makes a piece of entertainment; giving you things to do, see and read in your own time and for your enjoyment.

Years later,Stick RPG 2: Director’s Cut sticks to the very same recipe and formula that made Stick RPG the 24+ Million play count game and cult classic that it is today.

Charm is something I find to be the most valuable thing a game can offer you, many a time have I found myself playing a game that is generally considered to be bad, but still drawing a lot of enjoyment from the nostalgia and the experience that I had with the game. Two Worlds, a game that is more often than not regarded as one of the worst RPG’s of all time for its bugs and deplorable presentation, is a game I personally hail as one of my favourite games ever, simply because it was I that played it and the singular, subjective experience I had with it ended up being fun and one I would happily relive. And the same applies for the fans of the original Stick RPG, a game which I played many times as a kid when a new game on Newgrounds was my version of a AAA game being released to the masses, back in the day where gaming was considered to be a pure and harmless industry.

So much controversy surrounds the video game industry nowadays, that it’s no wonder I find a game like Stick RPG 2: Director’s Cut so refreshing. I’ve always said that indie games are extensions of the collective imagination from a group of passionate individuals, and indeed, Stick RPG 2 comes across as a love letter and a thank-you note from XGen studios from all of the love following its predecessor. Every part of the map and world is unique with many, many things to do. There are a huge amount of profession opportunities with different requirements, things to buy, places to go. The NPC’s have hilarious dialogue options and the game even goes as far as to break the fourth wall by parodying its own original game in one of the main story sequences.

That’s not all, the game even features combat sections and arenas that are ripped straight from Stick Arena, a game which I also poured countless hours into when I was younger. Though the rewards for clearing these arenas are limited and there’s not much point in doing them, or the 1v1 fighting in the gyms, other than to kill some time and to gain a small strength increase. Nothing feels like a chore in this game, and I enjoyed wandering around the map just exploring the different buildings and doing quests for all of the NPC’s.


Coming to think of it, Stick RPG 2 reminds me a lot of not long ago released South Park: The Stick of Truth, a game that capitalized its success from its fan service and appropriate come dy, befitting of the South Park world and name. Without making any huge emphasis on beautiful graphics or set pieces that make you go “Oooh, ahh.”, it managed to tide me over by just being actually fucking interesting to play.

Stick RPG 2: Director’s Cut is a gem of a game. By no means is it a technical masterpiece, nor does it have a brilliantly composed soundtrack (though the ambient sound design is pretty spot on.) or fancy graphics. It instead has a small, familiar and perfectly detailed world that will become as familiar to you as the back of your own hand. By the end of my play through, and I use the term “end” loosely since I know I’m by no means finished with it, I was 400 days in with all of my stats over a thousand and with every profession mastered, and there is still so much more that I’m sure I haven’t seen.

Stick RPG 2: Director’s Cut has practically no fault about it, but I can’t issue it a legendary rating, because that just wouldn’t be fair. It’s a fantastic video game, one that will entertain you for days if you let it, and I’d recommend it to you, and everyone you know. Xgen Studios have clearly poured their hearts into this game as they have the last, and I’d be doing them a disservice to rip into the game for not being something, rather than appreciating it for what it is and all of the hard work the developers have clearly put into it.

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary PC code was provided to Brash Games for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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Stick RPG 2 is not your ordinary RPG game. Whereas most RPG games have some sort of narrative within the story, this game you’re stuck in a city only left to know why you’re here in the first place. The first person you meet knows this and acts as your tutorial guide. Unlike most tutorials, you can opt to be uptight on your response prompting your guide not to speak with you ever again – I made this mistake and my karma went down. As a consequence of this, I was left on my own yet again…

Stick Rpg 2 Review Cnet

Once you explore the city, you realize there’s a lot that you can do in this game. In order to accomplish things in this game, you will have to earn trust and build up your stats first. One of the first buildings I visited was a police station. To earn some money I asked if I could join them. The answer was no as I was too skinny. I laughed at this response as all the character models in the game are stick men – of course they’ll all be skinny.

Stick Rpg 2 Hacked

It would have been useful if the game provided you with some kind of map as the city is quite large. It seemed like an eternity until I finally found the gym. Upon visiting the gym, I was challenged into a boxing match. The fighting in this game transferred to a top down view where I had to use the mouse to punch at my opponent while using the directional buttons to move around the ring. This battle system was quite difficult to master but I managed to beat my opponent and earn some vital strength points.

As aforementioned, it’s in your best interest to find the right places in Paper Thin City to gain and upgrade these vital stats. Thankfully, this is one of the few flash-based games that actually uses a save feature. This is a life saver as this game is pretty lengthy and you’re sure to be running around in circles trying to find the right places in this large city.

Graphically, the game is like an old-school cartoon. The stick figures are colorful and have different personalities. The isometric camera view is appropriate much like RPG games of the 90s used the same camera back in the day. The only time the viewpoint changes are if you engage in a fight.


There’s not much sound in the game as the dialogue is seen via text boxes. The predominant sound you will hear in the game is the repetitive music. It repeats the same beat over and over and there’s only one track available throughout the entire game.

Despite some of its flaws, the level of choices players can make are endless and provides you with an unpredictable experience. Stick RPG 2 may lack cinematic action sequences but it doesn’t need it as the amount you can do in this game is immense. It’s a fun an unorthodox experience to say the least.

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